PITCHRAD #26 - DJ OBLIQUE This month's special guest is DJ OBLIQUE. Hailing from Seattle, WA and brought to us by the wonders of the internet (and his impeccable manners in asking FZV permission to use one of his tracks in a mix sometime), we've been impressed for a while now by his heavy, polished genre-transcending mixes on Bruits de Fond, Collide.scope and Planeta Modula - exploring a territory where idm, noise, dubstep and breakcore cross-fertilize. Check: http://soundcloud.com/dj-oblique http://www.mixcloud.com/DJoblique http://www.bruitsdefond.org/index.php/dig-it/165-dig-it-01-dj-oblique-flies-with-vinegar http://soundcloud.com/collide-scope/collide-scope-exclusive-mix-03 http://www.planetamodular.com/mixes/dj-oblique-antinewtron-mix
- 2012-06-07
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